Angels, like the Holy family, are part of the focal point of the entire performance. They do not speak. Angels are young women of High School age through early twenties. They must stand for long periods without moving. They must be extremely quiet when they are not on display. Angels are the only Bethlehem characters allowed to wear makeup. This is a tough job, but so important to the culmination of this outreach. They must stay in character or the visitors will be
distracted from the baby and all thework we have done will be for nothing. However when they are seen standing above the Holy Family it creates an atmosphere of spirituality that helps bring many people to Christ--a very important role. They must park at the school in the designated cast parking, arrive at Fellowship Hall on time each evening of the event as they are scheduled, and be in costume and ready to head to the city when the first call is made. Costumes not including footwear are provided by the costume team.